* Men level 3, 4 and 5
* Women level 4 and 5
* Men’s veteran 55+
* Women’s veteran 55+
(Maximum 16 pairs/category)

* You play full matches with golden point.
* All the teams get minimum 2 matches.
* All the teams get a welcome pack and paella on Saturday
* Day 2, the 2nd of April we play the finals so only the winners will play this day.

Cost and register:
Send a email to put your:
* Full name and your partners name
* the category you wish to play
* your phone number.
* Last day to register is the 24/3.
* Cost is 25€/person, includes welcome pack, paella on Saturday and padel.
* First price in highest category for men and women is a premium health card at Quiron for 1 year. Second price is teeth whitening.
* Pay on site
* For questions send WhatsApp to +46 73-150 7049 or